Leaders political or religious shape the systems and societies. They manipulate people and influence their habits and way of thinking on matters of social and ethical importance. Solid ethical values help people to devise systems that define the destiny of a nation or society. Leaders with their power of character shape system of society and influence ethics of people by setting practical example.
When the leaders lacking ethical values reach the corridors of power create social and moral imbalance. They made morally corrupt practices a part of life for their own motives for instance a government may legalize corruption. In this way the people in power justify hypocrisy, dishonesty and injustice and allow these vices to penetrate into society. For instance, in some South Asian countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh it has become a norm to use illegal ways to get power or money and people use their energies to get things by this way.  When people follow such leaders they make changes in their own way of thinking, alter the rules of good and bad this cause major shift in character and social values of societies.
A good leader, political or religious modifies the working dynamics of human machine at crucial times. He changes everything, the way of thinking, feeling and the method of the understandings and rules of good and bad. He redesigns people’s ideas and assists them in understanding new things. He teaches people the art of fighting troubles. He gives them recipe to combine wisdom, ideologies and actions in appropriate proportion. He designs a unique fabric of society to produce a new environment. In this way he prepares every single person by building his heart and mind for a great cause and for a great revolution. These dynamics are necessary to fetch great revolutions. Without a visionary leader and morally strong society, no revolution is possible.