“To be great is to be misunderstood.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
“In some parts of the world he is only a hero, but in Pakistan, he is demigod” “At 42 he was reborn as a symbol of Muslim pride,” said Sky TV anchor in an interview with Imran Khan and his former wife Jamima Khan in 1996. Another commentator attributed him as “An agent of change” and “the men who never quits.” This is Imran Khan, the lion of Pakistan, a real life hero, who sacrificed most and struggled for Pakistan more than any other leader in the post-Quaid Pakistan. He is a ray of hope for divided and suffering people of Pakistan. He is a trader in trust and harvester of hope; he leaves behind footprints of high moral endeavors for others to follow. He is a multifaceted personality, took diverse tasks and made thorny conversions from sports to philanthropy and to politics. Belonging to upper class, Mr. Khan is hard working and well-focused person. He is religioner and due to some religious aspiration can be considered as a Sufi aspirant. He is a writer as well, written five books on topics as diverse as cricket, geography, history and society of Pakistan.  He is uncompromising in his beliefs, an idealist by vision, nationalist by disposition and a pure jingoistic by approach. He is motivated by Islamic ideals and influenced by the philosophy of the great Allama Iqbal. He is a person who never gives up. Over the time he has proved his true love for Pakistan.

A Real Life Hero:
People gather in thousands wherever he stands. On his single undemanding call, thousands respond. He has a connection of trust with his followers that without any arrangement people personally came to his meeting. He is a hero for people, a reporter from English media says in a documentary on him that “People recognize him as a man who gets things done.” 

Despite enjoying the status of a distinguished celebrity, he mingles among people irrespective of their cast and status. He meets personally with laborers, workers, middle-status citizens and industrialist or business tycoons with a similar temperament. He does not even shy of taking his meal with his servants. 
Back in the early 1990s, Bushra Rehman (writer and a former member of Punjab assembly) accompanied Imran Khan on his tour of Bahawalpur to raise funds for Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre. She described it as one of the most touching experiences she had ever had: “Dressed in ordinary clothes, riding an ordinary jeep, Imran uses simple words to move thousands of people. They line the streets he passes through and brings in hundreds of thousands of rupees. Yet, Imran hugs the person who donates a single rupee with the same vigor as he does the wealthy trader who gives him millions [of rupees].”
It shows his selflessness and simplicity, we can see everyone, rich and poor admires him and feels proud to have a picture with him. In hot weather with his body filled with perspiration, hundreds of people surround him, one pulls his arm and other his shoulder, one wants to stand with him to have a picture, and another feels proud to walk with him. He bears everything despite having a stature of a true hero; it means he is extremely dedicated to winning something worthy; this all makes him different from his competitors.

His Character Spiritual Ideas and Philosophy:
He gave an important statement in an interview with Hamid Mir that “when I get faith, I started understanding the ideas of Iqbal, and it has changed my whole life.” He got spiritual ideas, when he was at the peak of his cricketing career. Influenced by the philosophy of Iqbal he gets imprints of the Islamic way of life. Cristina Baker, a former showbiz celebrity converted to Islam, mentions in her book “From M-TV to Makah”, that Imran’s understanding of Islamic way of life, and his explanation of basic Islamic principles helps her to understand Islam.
Contrary to any other leader in Pakistan, Imran Khan has a strong philosophy, ideas, and ancient wisdom. He appears to be influenced by the ideas of Socrates, like him, he too is blamed of “corrupting the minds of youngsters.” However, by objective observations, one can see few moral traits in his personality that Iqbal yearned to see in his “complete man”. 
Also, he has deeply observed “ideas of Iqbal,” “Ibn Khuldoon” and “history of Islam.” There appears a conscious struggle in his life to achieve greatness by building one’s character. It appears that he has learned by heart, qualities of a good man explained by Iqbal in the light of the history of Islam. For instance, Iqbal says that “to take the responsibility of the world you must relearn truth, justice, and valor!” he learned these traits by heart and labored to make them his key strengths. Now, everyone, even his critics say that he is honest and brave.

He is a man of good character; my father meets with Imran Khan’s former captain Saeed Ahmed and questions about his character as a youngster. His reply was shocking that he hadn’t seen the person of such, caliber and character. “As a youngster, he was an honest and gentle,” and on quoting about people who criticize Imran Khan on his character as a young cricketer, he replied that “they are envious of him.”

Thoughts, Insight and Convincing Power:

When he spoke in the National Assembly on November 04, 2013 there was a pin drop silence. His bitter opponents, highly educated people, experienced politicians and more than three time elected legislators of Pakistan listened with deep interest as if a preacher were addressing to him. No other leader has coherent and well-defined ideas combining history, religious ideals, international maneuvering, current state of affairs and deep prescience. 
He exposed the looter and plunders of public exchequer and draws a line between exploiter and sufferers. His followers believe that he is “a ray of hope.” He talks about restoring national pride, he talks about rejecting foreign aid, and he talks about bringing corrupt elites to justice.

In an another interview, an English TV anchor asked for his opinion by saying that “you feel anger and humiliation at the news that Usama Bin Laden dead ( in Pakistan)” and he replied without fear “my country has given lives of 35 thousand people in a war which has nothing to do with us, 70 billion dollars lost to economy, when total aid has been 20 billion dollars, how would I feel my ally who we are fighting for does not trust us, instead comes and conduct the operation itself”.

Fervor of Imran Khan- Impact on People:
Much has been written, a number of documentaries prepared, enormous interviews and a plethora of conversations have been conducted on his ideas and past life. But he is saying the same thing that he was saying when he entered in Politics.

Today, a number of people, especially youngsters are diagnosed as suffering from “Imran Khan syndrome,” some consciously and other unconsciously. Despite it is the area of sports, politics of any other field of life. Kids, youngsters, middle aged and now old people everyone is unable to evade the influence of Imran Khan. Even, his worst critics and political rivals sometimes unconsciously tread his attitude and ideas.

In my opinion, the good things about him are that he has no wisdom but passion; he is a psychopath, abnormal and has delusion. Our family doctor is seemed to be obsessed with his ideas. Every time we visit him, he doesn’t forget to share some ideas of “Imran’yat (عمران، یات). 
Also, in a famous English daily I had read a problem shared by a newlywed woman, that his husband, who was a doctor and a staunch follower of Imran Khan doesn’t give her time and always spend spare time with history or philosophy books.

Evolving of Imran Khans as Political Leader:
“A man who is making a very difficult transition from sporting legend to political leader”, Said Belinda Luscombe, the former editor of the Time magazine in a chat with Imran Khan. Tracing his political journey, it was mid 90,s when Imran Khan formed a pressure group with “Passban” a faction of JI (Jamat-e-Islami). He didn’t want to be a politician, but he wants to do something for the suffering people of Pakistan. Some people wanted him to come to politics because Pakistan needed an honest leader; both PNL (N) and PPP leadership had been proved corrupt, incompetent and dishonest. Initially, he rejected the idea, but soon he felt that it is impossible to help the people without having power. He himself overwhelmed by the corrupt practices of ruling elites, who were plundering the country with impunity. 
In this backdrop, he started his political party in April 1996. His religious inclination and entry into politics with the idea of challenging the status-co send shock waves especially among emerging secular groups. West influenced liberals and women right organizations felt him an imminent threat, especially when he started with Passban Tehrik. “He is a dangerous mixture of conceit and arrogance,” said by some ladies of women action forum.

Imran Khan’s initial years of politics were a period of struggle to develop roots for his ideological movement. By the year 2010 Imran Khan emerged as a third option for people of Pakistan. His mobilization of people, especially youth culminated in a historic public gathering at Minar-e-Pakistan on October 30, 2011, and PTI demonstrated themselves as the champion of the causes of common people. 25 December 2011 Karachi jalsa, made PTI a country-wide famous political party.  
The famous Minar-e-Pakistan Jalsa on 23rd March 2013 was a massive show by PTI to display their following in the constituency of big rival PML (N).  126 days sit-in at D-Chowk (14 August 2014 to 17 December 2014) caused disappointment to PTI as they failed to get resignation of the Prime Minister and also loss the case of preplanned rigging in election 2013. Now, again on the crucial Panama case, the captain has brought politics of Pakistan on crossroads.

The whistle blower:
بس یہی کہا تھا کہ د یکھ سکتی ہے میری آ نکھ
کہ    ٹوٹ   پڑا  مجھ   پر   سارا   شہر   نابیناں
Imran Khan took the ire of many by exposing their corruption and hypocrisy. In Pakistan politics, almost everyone is a hypocrite if not corrupt in some way or other. The players in the politics can’t expect that their opponents can expose their misconducts because they all are companions in crimes. It is now Imran Khan, who is a lone ranger” in this political culture, exposed them. He has fame and money; he does not need to collect anymore for his generations, as it is common in Pakistan politician. It is open to all that the two big parties PML (N) and PPP have remained in power for a large part of Pakistan’s history. Each one set new records of corruption whenever their turn came. Imran Khan’s PTI became the major political party in election 2013. When the leader of PTI exposed partnership of corrupt politicians and ruling elites, everybody who benefited from partnership started targeting Imran Khan. That, “he is mad,” “he does not understand politics,” and “he has no experience in politics”. After all, he has just exposed their grafts to the public exchequer and the money they had made through corruption. He has the advantage that he has not been in power during his 20 year long political careers. He justifies criticism on himself by saying that “One of the names of God is ALHAQ (the truth) when you stand up for truth, anyone who opposes you actually opposes the god because god is truth.”

Altered Political Landscape to Set New Trends:
 “The politics of right and left has been replaced by the politics of right and wrong.”
Imran Khan
He could have lived like elites, enjoying the protocol. He had no need bearing extreme weather and life threats. Practically, in Pakistan, people even powerful hesitate to take a step following their conscience. They put aside the question of “right and wrong”, take a side and find ways to live so-called respected life. We have seen renowned politicians; educationalist and venerated bureaucrats retire as respected, leaving behind injustice and plundering of the nation’s wealth. Actually, they had a fear of disrespect to fight dirt of corruption and injustice. The result is that Ignorant rouges came to politics and on the main positions; they gave systems, structures, rules and set moral (immoral) standards that support their interests.
Imran Khan did otherwise, as he believes that if well-liked people do not come to key positions as a champion of the right cause; it would be difficult to set new examples to change society.  So, he stood against any power to bring some change in society. He left behind the life of a respected retired cricket hero and, came into a field which is considered “dirt”. 
In Pakistan, one has to bet his respect to remain in politics. Here, with his elaborative ideology and vision, he managed to build his reputation. In the policy where there was the noise ofright and left”, “morality” was foreign to this business and players had no concern with “right and wrong”. Now, much has changed morality has become relevant and matters started discussing on the footings of right and wrong.
He changed the dynamics of politics, pull gentle minority and youngster to the politics, and make national political issues common to everybody. Leaders, dominant people, and celebrities are the trend setters; common people follow or have to follow what they do. When Imran Khan came with his honesty and understanding to eradicate evil through just the way, a number of good souls who were dormant, because they hadn’t practical example, became activated. They started thinking that when an honest celebrity like Imran can fight for good in bad situation why not we. An example is Ibrar ul Haq, who has built a hospital in Naro-Wall, many others are also taking selfless lifestyle following this great hero, instead of copying dressings and styles.

The impact of His Charismatic Personality on Adversaries:
Though he is outspoken, but his opponents have a high regard for him. They follow his gestures and attitude to handle critical issues. In fact, they had thean aspiration to do some “ideal things, ” but they could not muster up courage or purity of character to do this.
The people of Pakistan long to have a government based on the principles of Islam. There are a number of religious, political parties struggling for a system based on Islamic principles, but they failed to convince people because of their flawed and outdated ideas. Imran Khan is trying to make the Islamic ideals relevant in the society of Pakistan with new fashion and unconventional vigor. He can defend the cause of Islam on international forums better than a conventional leader. He has a good understanding of basic Islamic principles. Munawar Hassan (Former Ameer Jamat-e-Islami) says that “He is demonstrating Islamic concepts by his own understandings without citing Islam”.

Also, the members of parties against whom he has tough stance admire him, as Aitzaz Ahsan (seasoned PPP Politician) says “I am impressed from Imran Khan”. He also stated on an another occasion that the ideas of Imran Khan are penetrating the heart and mind of the people of Pakistan.” Other famous personalities had also been admired him on different occassions. Anwar Maqsood (Famous play writer) once said that “Imran Khan made a hospital and made possible, which was impossible” Moeen Akhtar (Renowned TV host, comedian, and actor) in and interview Imran Khan that “We love him and he always valued our love, he is pride of Pakistan.”
Speaking clearly, the suffering inhabitants of Pakistan have understood that if they did not support Imran, it would result in their own loss, because he always raised genuine concerns of the suffering masses. The people of Pakistan know that corrupt politicians and powerful mafias are responsible for their miserable plight and their problems have been swelling during the long tenure of PPP and PML (N). Both political giants did nothing but to enjoy the power. 
Now their concerns are raised by a person who is considered an honest. “He has built us a hospital….and I don’t care how he raised the money. We have a lot of rich capitalists here, why didn’t they build us a hospital?” said a poor laborer in a documentary prepared on Imran Khan during 90’s. This shows that he has made his place in the hearts of people.
Making Impossible Possible: A Practical Instance of Doing Miracles
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
These inspirational words of Ralph Waldo Emerson have a true connection with the events of the life of Imran Khan. He always has been chasing for seemingly impossible tasks, striving for destinations have an unclear path. By unfolding his life events, it appears that he is a curious person pursuing unconventional ways and seemingly impossible tasks.
Imran Khan himself has been sharing his experiences regarding difficulties and humiliation he had experienced during his struggle. When he intended to change his bowling action everybody said “it hasn’t happened ever in cricket history that a bowler changed his style,” but he changed successfully. The winning of World Cup 1992 with an inexperienced team is also regarded as a miracle. The case of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital in a poor country is also an unprecedented that even governments cannot build a hospital like SKMCH. He has a dream that NUML will be an exemplary institute. Now, his vision in politics is also looking ideal, we have yet to see that how he manages to convert impossible to possible.
Paulo Coelho says that “Beauty exists not in sameness, but in uniqueness” and as we observe his life he always striving for uniqueness, doing things that “others fear to do”. This may be the reason for his towering success and inspirational life. Frank Hazoor, the biographer of Imran Khan writes in “Imran versus Imran” that he is suffering from “cacophobia” the fear of ugliness.  
Imran Khan himself quoted the famous words of Robert Frost in a speech to NAMAL students that read as “I am telling you with a sigh that somewhere ages and ages hence, two roads diverged in nowhere, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Hence, doing something really great requires taking the un-trodden path of life. It is extremely difficult to live against generally accepted ways of society. When one picks the unconventional way whole society, including one’s members of the family and near and dear ones resist the person. Social system and established opinions are also set up on conventional footings, so they also prove hindrances.

Imran Khan is Abnormal and Illogical:
 “There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.”
“Imran Khan is a psychopath,” said Saeed Gani a major PPP leader and many his adversaries also shout. Actually, In Pakistan an affluent is always right, it is prescribed to use the unjust method to get something that is even just. It is a tradition to have a reference to get jobs, you must have money to buy justice, you can only live a happy life if you have relations with the powerful. In addition to this, it is customary to accumulate enough wealth by any means to buy education, health, and clean drinking water, and if you oppose these social trends set by capitalists you are abnormal, you are mad. 
Also, you have to steal tax, make a lot of wealth, use this wealth to buy votes and when came into power, take your share from national exchequer, accumulate money for the next election and remain silent on similar practices of your comrades. If you don’t follow these tradition set by landlords in politics, it means you do not know politics; you are a foreign element and probably a wicked person.  The leader of PTI declared a “psychopath” in the similar capacity.
A person who goes against social standards (good or bad) is considered abnormal. But, only abnormal can do things that others can’t. Normal is the one who uncritically complies with all practices of society. An abnormal bowler bowl faster than average speed bowler. Only an abnormal can do impossible, he can bring change because all normal complies with rigid standards conventionally define goals.
Actually, in a society custom and tradition evolve over time, and people of society strictly follow those traditions to comply with society, if one does not comply he has to face severe criticism. Mostly, unjust and exploitative traditions develop which may be benefited by some but cost majority. When one rose against such traditions, he is considered a mad.
Yes, he becomes a crazy because he violates the standards. Socrates gave its disciples the understanding and power of thinking which contradicted with society, and he was forced to take hemlock (poison). Galileo Galilee was punished for proposing “Heliocentrism” againstGeocentrism”. However, it is not just the matter of thinking differently; it is the case of rising against the structured social evils, some of which are legalized.  

Ridiculing and Mimicking of Imran Khan:
Imran Khan the idealistic, selfless, committed, valiant and obstinate is one of the shining personalities Pakistan has ever produced. By his toil and relentless efforts, he has done a lot for the peoples of Pakistan. However, he is bitterly criticized, and everything he does is considered foreign to the state and society. Newspapers and magazines are replete with Photoshop images and articles laden with vocabulary that seldom has been part of historical and political writings. Every other person mimics his voice and sentiments in streets, offices and private meetings. Every established religious or political group averse him when liberal and orthodox groups criticize him with contradicting remarks, it appears that he is doing something good.
Not any celebrity has ever been ridiculed as Imran Khan both in the cases of his personal and political life. On the ideological sphere, one calls him a “Movie” and others portray him a “secular”. Grossly contradicting arguments have also been leveled against him. Some call him “disciplined” others “uncouth,”, some call him a “debauch” and other consider him like a religioner.
He is ridiculed, threatened, bitterly criticized and antagonized. His personal life maligned portrayed negatively, he was beaten by his opponents and his efforts scuttled sometimes, but he remained steadfast. He has an excessive belief in his cause, and he has unshaken will power. From winning of the world cup to fighting for “new Pakistan,” he labored and gave his everything to Pakistan. Once he falls, he stands up again; he fights on ideological, religious and the political sphere.

Books and Ideas of Imran Khan 
His approach to exploring the unexplored and philosophy of excessive reliance on own resources has touched the hearts of millions. He searched out the roots of issues faced by Pakistan and proposed their solution considering the needs of modern times. This is the result of his deep understanding and knowledge of human and natural resources, economic potential, social fabric, ethical values and domestic culture of people belong to multiple ethnic groups in Pakistan. 
Apart from cricket, his books bear his deep knowledge of history and geography of Pakistan. On crucial matters from “terrorism” to “corruption” he gave unpopularly, but a practical solution, which was bitterly criticized by leaders influenced by international opinion.

He motivated youth to take part in politics and educated them to solve national issues. Being a political leader in Pakistan, he talks for the first time that environment impacts our lives. He takes initiatives to protect the natural beauty of Northern Areas from Mafias to pull tourists for expeditions. He for the first time addresses the issue of the poor diet of children, deprived treatment of expected women that drastically impact the health of coming generation. He for the first time in Pakistan talks about the rights of domestic servants, labors and private workers who have been made slaves by landlords and capitalists. 

According to him a spiritual way of life is real life, materialistic is secondary.  He emphasized on taking risks and do some exceptional to change the future. He says that “I want to create a legacy that allows people to dream of and work towards a better future.” He says that one has to suffer, bear hardship and humiliation to make his dream come true. On all these ideological, strategic and philosophical aspects he wrote following five books.

1. Imran Khan Pakistan: A Personal History
2. All Round View
3. Warrior Race: Journey Through the Land of the Tribal Pathans
4. Imran khan’s Cricket Skills
5. Indus Journey      

“Do you know our new generations are gone written essay on Imran Khan”
War film production team tribute to Imran Khan 
Historians will feel proud to write his account, and some would argue about the mystery of his personality. Intelligentsia, historians, pedagogues and religious scholars will portray his arguments according to their own understandings. The people will know him as a true savior.
His fearlessness, fighting spirit, dedication, commitment to his cause, unwavering willpower, un-violent endeavors and ideological struggle always proved beneficial for people. Luckily, His dreams are also aligned with the success of Pakistan and the benefit of the people. Some political commentators say that he will never be able to become the P.M of Pakistan, but what If he will not be P.M, he has done what he has to. He has exposed fake leaders, the farce of democracy and has given people understanding to fight for their rights.
However, there are certain negative aspects attached to his personality. That he is outspoken, extremely aggressive and lack somewhere in strategy formation. He is dubbed as a dictator, who listens to none and always imposes his own ideas. He is also blamed that he is proud and does not give respect to others. The allegations of debauchery attached with him since the cricket years.     

After all, at this stage of life, he hasn’t let his fantasies, dreams, childhood beliefs and his purity of character to fade away. The moral guidance that we get from our books appears irrelevant when confronted with society. He learned those moral attributes, especially religious principles and struggled to make them relevant. His struggle for big dreams may be a reason that he appears young and energetic. As Gabriel Garcia Marquez said “it is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.”
There are many things common among people of Pakistan from Karachi to Khyber and from Gwadar to Kashmir that, they can sacrifice everything for Pakistan, that they are pure people, that they have true confidence in their army and that they all irrespective of their caste and ethnicity admire Imran Khan. There is no person inside Pakistan and even outside, who know Imran Khan and is immune from his influence. The impact of his personality is on everyone, even on his adversaries and political opponents who criticize him.

 “These are sincere words dripped from objective judgment and impression less observation. This is what I learned from the charismatic hero and an enigmatic person who is going to be a towering personality in the history of Pakistan. He is working hard to restore the dignity and self-respect of common Pakistanis by making ethics, humanity and religious values relevant to society.”