“Both the Government and the Congress should carefully note that the Muslims have shaken off their lethargy now stand awakened, they have determined their goal of Pakistan, and no power on earth could fail the Pakistan Movement ".
Pir Jamat Ali Shah
On 8th March 1944, the Quaid-e-Azam visited the Aligarh University and made the historic statement that “Pakistan had come into existence the very day the first Hindu in India had embraced Islam.”It is clear from the above statement of Quaid-e-Azam that the idea of Pakistan has deep spiritual bases. Muslims nation is ideologically, historically, politically and socially different from any other nation of the world. These drastic differences provided the ideological basis of two nation theory which helps to nurture the idea of Pakistan.The idea of oneness of the nation help to develop the vision of a separate Islamic state. This vision wins the support of Ulema belong to Chishtia, Qadria, Naqshbandia and Soharwardia orders and their followers supported this vision which leads to the creation of Pakistan under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammed Ali Jinnah.
The creation of Pakistan is not the result of the sole effort of a person or a group. In reality, it is the culmination of the combined religious, political, spiritual and social struggle. The role played by prominent Ulmas include Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Mufti Muhammad Shafi, Pir Ghulam Mujadid Sirhandi, Pir Sahib of Manki Sharif, Pir Sahib of Zakori Sharif, Pir Jamaat Ali Shah, Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Ghangohi, Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotavi, Haji Zaman Ali Shaheed and a lot of others proved crucial in the struggle for Pakistan.
“In fact, the foundation stone of Pakistan Movement was laid by Hazrat Mujadid Alaf Sani, Sheikh Ahmad Sirhandi who, confronted with the British and put his life at stake to light the torch for the regeneration of the Islamic spirit.” His struggle was for the protection and propagation of the religion of Islam. “Later on Shah Ismail Shaheed and Syed Ahmad Shaheed converted it into the Jihad Movement for the establishment of an Islamic state in the sub-continent.” Shah Waliullah struggled hard to purge the Muslims from social, economic and political voices. The ambitions of all these struggles ultimately materialized through the creation of Pakistan.
“After the war of 1857, some of the Ulema established religious institutions for the religious teaching so that they could prepare the younger generation to protect the cause of the faith.”The name of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan is prominent in this struggle. In the latter years, the Khalifat movement provided the means for Muslims to understand the importance of creation of a separate homeland. “Under Khalifa movement Maulana Mahmood-Ul-Hassan made a revolutionary plan to outset the British rulers from the sub-continent. This plan came to be known as “Silk Hankerchief Movement”.
Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi and Shabbir Ahmed usmani supported the Quaid-i-Azam against the group of Ulema lead by Maulan Abu Ul Kalam Azad, who supported the Congress.In every province and district where the spiritual influence of Ulema could be utilized for the purpose, brief Fatwas and manifestos should be issued on behalf of Ulema, in which the Muslims warned against joining the Congress and the disadvantages from religious point of view of any association with the Congress should be clearly and emphatically explained to them.
 “In 1940 AIML appointed a committee of the leading Ulema and prominent thinkers of Islam to prepare a draft of the system of government for it. The committee consisted of such a galaxy of stars as Syed Sulman Nadvi, Maulana Abu Aala Muddoodi, Maulana Azam Subbani, and Maulana Abdul Majid Daria Abadi.”
In a big gathering of Ulema, in October 1945 at Calcutta, Jamiat-ul-Ulema Islam was formed which proved a big landmark in the struggle for the establishment of Pakistan. Mufti Muhammad Shafi joined Jamiat-ul-Ulema Islam and he started a movement with pen in favor of Pakistan and wrote a number of pamphlets and issued a Fatwa.
“The most prominent name among the Ulema was Pir Jamat Ali Shah, who had millions of followers in the country. He was a staunch supporter of the Aligarh Movement for which he contributed Lakhs of Rupees. In spite of his old age and weak health Pir Jamat Ali shah toured throughout the country to get the support of AIML and Pakistan. He advised his followers to work for the AIML and emphatically declared that he would not lead the funeral prayers of any devotee if he had not participated in the Pakistan Movement in any capacity.”
The session of All India Sunni Conference fully supports the demand for Pakistan and declares that Ulema and Mashaikhs belong to Ehl-Sunat-Wal-Jamat will make every possible sacrifice for the establishment of an Islamic government.The credit for successful Pakistan movement also goes to Pir Sahib of Manki Sharif. When Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan and his followers were trying to fail the Pakistan Movement. Thousands of Pir Sahib of Manki Sharif followers worked for promoting the cause of Pakistan Movement.

Ulema and Mushaikh completely changed the atmosphere of subcontinent and charged their followers to sacrifice everything for the pious cause of the Pakistan movement. Without the struggle of Ulemas the ideological and spiritual support would be weakened and religious and social regeneration of Muslim society, which provided the cementing force to the idea of Pakistan, would miss. Undoubtedly, the dream of Pakistan would not be realized if Ulemas, Mushaiks and reformist did not play their due role.Some Muslim leaders with fanatic views try to malign Pakistan movement and attempted to besmear the personality of Quaid-e- Azam. While at the same time, prominent Ulemas like Pir Jamat Ali Shah declared Quaid-e- Azam“Waliullah” fighting for the right cause. Muslims of India could not be prepared for such a big revolution without the effort of the Ulemas.