The conditions that Pakistan confronting today depict that there are number of enemies of state and traitor groups that have managed to take root in our society. The large scale violence and lawlessness are the result of the act of traitors.
Traitors are different from fools like terrorists have distinction from criminals. Fools, unintentionally harm the interest of their own country while, traitor intentionally finds loopholes and target persons and institutions protecting national interest of the country.
Pakistan is standing at the critical juncture of history, facing many internal and external challenges. Internal disturbances and external threats created by a nexus of its enemies and supporters of enemies are excessively serious.
Pakistan army has won bravely a hard and complicated war on terrorism. Pakistan army’s unprecedented success against terrorism is highly appreciated by its powerful allies. In this turf war Pakistan army and people of Pakistan sacrificed a lot. Now the terrorists are defeated and people of Pakistan have heaved a sigh of relief.
At this point real supporters of enemies of state are perplexed and they can easily identify, whoever tries to weak its army that is fighting a critical war is not less than a traitor. The Army is fighting this war against seemingly obscure enemy, who is fueling violence, lawlessness and moderating environment to launch a full fledged civil war against the state and its institutions.
MQM has been openly challenging state and its institutions. It’s nexus with enemy’s spy agencies has exposed. Confession statements by MQM’S arrested persons are horrible and expose their nefarious designs. A huge quantity of weapons usually used in full scale war has been recovered from places under the control of MQM leaders. It is startling that huge quantity of weapon was dumped under floors of houses and inside wash rooms probably used to launch a civil war against the state of Pakistan. The most horrible is the fact, that it was a main political party who has been playing this dirty game.
This situation shows that MQM is serving the interest of our arch enemy for lunch full fledged war against Pakistan. It is similar to the Bangladesh model where India created Mukti Bahni to launch a civil war inside the country which leads to separation of East Pakistan.
Initially, MQM in the guise of politics started to infuse haltered in Muhajar community, derived them towards disloyalty to the state of Pakistan, turned Muhajir youth to militancy, spread violence and lawlessness in the city. The final plan was to launch a full civil war against Pakistan.
MQM is caught red handed contemplating to launch a civil war against Pakistan. It has been exposed of doing all this with the support of India. In March, 22 speech Altaf Hussain in fact played the final card to launch this plan of civil war. His anti Pakistan rhetoric and incitation of his worker toward violence was in fact, the final execution of his plan. But, he failed because of actions of rangers in the city and because MQM has no intellectual depth in the minds of people, they misunderstood the theft mandate as their strength.  
It is ironic that they are denying clear and open realities. But, how on earth they can deny these crimes against the state, while their arrested members are confessing act of violence and target killings. The most solid argument in this respect is that, peace returns to the city whenever establishments put a heavy hand on MQM.

Pakistan must put its eye open against enemies of state imparted by India in politics, media and intelligentsia.