The dawn news leak crisis has culminated in obscurity. On Wednesday may 10 DG ISPR announced to withdraw a tweet issued on 29 April which rejected the news leak report and declared it incomplete. He further said that the issue has been settled and that Pakistan army is resolved to support the democratic process.  
The concluding remarks given by DG ISPR have not only raised many eye brows, but also increased frustration of the people and decreased the stature of the Army as an institution in the eyes of people. Indeed, dawn news leak was an act of treachery and national security breach. Whoever planted this fake story scuttled the efforts of Pakistan army and tried to damage Pakistan’s narrative on terrorism in the world. On the other side it has also provided an opportunity for India, to put the blame of its own wrongdoing on Pakistan.     

The timing of the planting of news was also crucial, where on one side the Nawaz Sharif government was under pressure on corruption charges and on the other side India had been exposed of supporting terrorism in Pakistan and human rights violations in Kashmir. At the same time silence of the Prime Minister House on all time high indigenous Kashmir movement against illegal Indian occupation was also relevant.
This situation depicted the aim and purposes of ill planted Dawn leaks. It was apparent that the Sharif government wanted to invite army’s wrath to embrace “political martyrdom” in case they were declared culprits or managed to subdue establishment according to their own will. This would be win win situation for Nawaz Sharif and ruling party to display themselves victim after enjoying four years of government and also to get away with acute corruption charges against his family.

Also, it was clear that the news was planted, and it was planted by someone inside the Prime Minister House and only the ruling party and ruling family could be beneficiaries. Also, it is open to all that people dismissed Tariq Fatmi and Rao Tehseen had no role in the news feeding. The people of Pakistan marred by terrorism, and the scourge of corruption were expecting some exemplary punishment for the perpetrators of this security breach. They were expecting a clean inquiry as it was a national issue and the army was the party in the case. 

Now, the high rated case is solved, and no one knows what has been solved? What are the details of the issue? Who was the perpetrator of this nefarious act against Pakistan? Has the army compromised on national security breach, or there has been some bargaining on it? Is it possible to avoid punishment when a powerful is involved? All these questions are wandering in the mind of common Pakistanis. 

It was a national issue and the nation wants to know the details of the issue. Matters of national security have going from bad to worse, now when we reached close to point out black sheep inside us, a settlement happen. It is perturbing and agitating the man in the street, who was willing to see culprit in the dock. Whatever one may say after the settlement of the issue a common man’s confidence on army has shattered. Things need clarifications; some details about the report must be shared with people alleviate their confusions.