Forgiveness, without any doubt is a gift which almighty God has thrust upon us. It is easy not to get benefit from this unlimited blessing of god and it is difficult to practice this glorious bounty of God. It required a lot of wisdom and understanding to comprehend the unlimited social and individual benefits of forgiveness. Forgiveness is when you have not held others accountable for the hardships they had incurred to you.       
One cannot imagine a world without Forgiveness. People would kill one another mercilessly if they have not the ethical backing of forgiveness. There would be chaos in the world without forgiveness. When we cheat and harm one another, it is good we come close again by forgiving one another. Even the most heinous of crimes are pardonable. When a husband forgives a wife or a wife pardons a husband a family is saved from disintegration. When a statesman takes the fierce argument of his enemy state lightly the war is avoided.
Assume if one does not forgive other, the other would turn up to be a beast and retaliate violently. This would increase the crime and violence on the planet earth. The violence that is prevalent on earth today is because that we does not forgive others for their wrong doings, this creates an anger and resentment which is resulted in violence in the end. Some people forgive sometimes, not all people forgive most of the time, but most people forgive sometime. This is the major reason of our social problems and purification of relations.          
The opposite of forgiveness is temper, punishment and strictness. It is unimportant and creates anger. It creates stress and depression. Forgiveness is suffering of heart and mind, but it gives inner peace and self-contentment. It consoles one’s body, mind and soul and help to win the closeness of God. If one who has power and authority over other and forgive them, God who is omniscient will forgive him for his wrongdoings. This is also elaborated in the holy Quran in following words.

“…..and let them pardon and overlook. Would you not like that Allah should forgive you. And Allah is forgiving and merciful” (An-Nur:24:22)