Putting pen to paper to write down one’s ideas, experience and thought is called writing. Among the many purposes of writing the integral ones are to inform, educate or entertain the reader. Most people are capable of producing good writing work, but it infect depends on their mental exertion and producing a good, attractive and readable piece of paper.

“The process of putting ideas into words and arranging them for a reader helps us to see, create, and explore new connections called writing”. Writing is, in fact, a process, we read other people's piece of writings, judge and evaluates them in the light environmental and psychological factors than we rearrange opinion formed by reading according to our own ideas and pen them down on paper.
Now we discuss what the qualities good writers have? The attributes that make a good writer are many Firstly; A good writer serves the reader. Secondly, a good writer explains things in details.  Thirdly, a good writer also considers opposite remarks. Fourthly, a good writer should logically structure ideas. Fifthly, a good writer writes simple and to the point ideas. In addition to this, a good writer must have broad reading and he must have observing, sensing and perceiving skills also, good writers write and rewrite the ideas.

To conclude, a good academic writer should have broad research and deep knowledge of his topic and a really good writer is one who satisfies his reader by providing complete information.