It appears that in Pakistan’s political environment, justice and the rule of law have become less importance compared to personalities. The followers of political leaders become emotionally attached to them that they turn to servants even the kids of their political lords. They put aside the rule of right and wrong and justify every act right or wrong of their masters.
The leaders however criminal they were, become important for them against country or state institutions. The similar attitude appeared in a video in which PML (N) legislator Nihal Hashmi went outrageously against the judiciary. In the video, the member of the Senate of Pakistan, who was interested by people to make and respect laws irrespective of political affiliations found violating the very basic principles.
The video shows that in a speech with party workers, the leader of the ruling party put aside all political ethics and respect for the institutions to please his political lords. It appeared from his sentiments that he would probably destroy everything if his masters charged with any crime.
He threatens judiciary and members of JIT that his leader has a gentile personality no one can dare to try him. However, the question is if he were a person of impeccable character why the angry senator had to criticize the judiciary?
Later on, The Supreme Court of Pakistan took sue-motto action of the issue and called Mr. Nihal to justify his words before the court. The irony of the incident is that for whom he has been attacking state institutes refused to meet him. Prime Minister and leader of PML (N) Nawaz Sharif cancelled his party membership; also Mr. Nihal has to resign from his position as senator.  
The incident depicts that powerful does not respect any institution. No one can go against the powerful. Whoever tries to charge them will have to face consequence later. Institutions are on the payroll of the corrupt political elite.
We have seen such practice in the case of Model girl Ayyan Ali. The Pakistan Customs officer who caught the model girl was killed when her case was on the court. Mr. Nihal Hashmi threats to Judiciary and JIT that he will cut them down to size depicts similar mentality.