Terrorism in the modern world has become a tool in the hands of big powers. It is no more a menace; it has become an instrument to use to topple governments and destabilized nations. Globally, big powers are ultimate beneficiaries of terrorism.

Terrorism is defined as "the killing and frightening of innocent people for political benefits." Indian army in occupied Kashmir torture and kill innocent Kashmiris to deprive them of their fundamental human right “the right of self-determination”. To conceal these gross violations state of India has been using terrorism as a tool to blame Pakistan and to confuse the world about the situation in Kashmir. 

There is a history of propaganda and conducting fake attacks by India to prove itself a victim of terrorism. They are using terrorism to take the eyes of the world of their violations of human rights in occupied Kashmir and their misdeeds inside India as well.
Indian consulates along Pakistan border in Afganistan
The situation in Kashmir is intense; the indigenous struggle of Kashmiri youth against illegal Indian occupation is at its peak. In this context, it is easy to expect any terrorist attack to happen in Kashmir or in Indian Territory specially engineered by India (RAW) to put the blame on Pakistan. Conducting fake attacks on its own soil has been the policy of India to exploit world’s anti-terror sentiment. 

After 9/11 when terrorism became the matter of global intention; India engineered two attacks, one on Kashmir state assembly building on October 01, 2001 and other on India’s parliament building in New Dehli on December 13, 2001, and accused Pakistan without any investigation. This helped India to blame Pakistan as the perpetrator of terrorism.
An Indian minister declaring terrorism as state policy 
India wants to keep Pakistan continuously under pressure, by blaming it of the sins it has not committed. Through these attacks, India, on the one hand, tries to convince the world that Pakistan is supporting terrorism and on the other side manages to evade dialogue or any other peace settlement on Kashmir issue. 

Shamshad Ahmed, a former diplomat says in this context that India blamed Pakistan for successive attacks on a train in Mumbai in July 2006, Samjhota Express in February 2007, Indian Embassy in Kabul in July 2008, and finally the Mumbai attacks on November 26, 2008, which according to recent revelations by senior Indian officials, were staged by the Indian government with ulterior motives.”      
Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav arrested by Pakistani security forces
When Barack Obama elected as president of the United States of America in 2008, he intended to settle Kashmir issue to get complete cooperation of Pakistan on the western border. Here, again Mumbai attack supported India to evade Kashmir conflict which also had become a matter of global attention after an indigenous struggle of the Kashmiri people. One can observe that India has had been the ultimate beneficiary of all this terrorism.

One thing also needs attention that many of these terrorist activities are coincide with any extraordinary UN meeting or any US high-level visit to the region. Through this strategy India wants to show the world that it is the victim of terrorism, they also try to cover Human Right violations and atrocities in Kashmir and India. 

The most recent instance is Uri attack of 18 September 2016 which happened when all countries were gathered to attend the 71st UN General Assembly meeting. India got all the benefit by using terrorism as a tool and exploits this assault to besmear the Kashmir Independence struggle. 

Connecting dots we can observe another instance when President Bill Clinton's visit the region in March 2000, was marred by the Chittisinghpura massacre of Sikhs in Kashmir, which India blamed on Pakistan. However, Bill Clinton accused “Hindu extremists” of targeting the Sikhs.
India’s strategy of using terrorism as tool is going on; also its state-supported terrorism in occupied Kashmir is continued for seventy years. But now, India’s dream of becoming the master of South Asia has exposed. Its interventions and sponsoring of terrorism in Pakistan through Afghanistan have uncovered. 

A number of terrorists arrested by Pakistan security forces during Operation 'Zarb-e-Azab" and "Rad-ul-Fasad" have confessional statements of terrorist regarding Indian support to destabilize Pakistan. The biggest prove in this context is the arrest of Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav which is sentenced to death by Pakistan Military courts.
Indian security forces tortures Kashmiri youth
India’s response to Yadav arrest also exposes its policy of using terrorism as a tool. Initially, India refuses to accept Yadav, its citizen. Now, when he is sentenced to death Indian external affairs minister says “he is India’s son; we’ll go all out to save him”. Also, to counter-humiliation, RAW trapped Pakistani retired army officer to display him as a Pakistani spy in India. Now, this design has also failed. So, one can expect another terror drama from India on the fashion of Mumbai or Uri attack to blame Pakistan for terrorism. 

In addition to this, on must bear in mind that the indigenous Kashmir struggle is at its peak and Indian army has failed to suppress Kashmiri youth despite using every kind of brutal power. To counter this failure, India will use terrorism as a tool in the coming months to keep world confused and misinformed about the real reason of turmoil in the region.
India's use of brutal force against Kashmiris demanding "Freedom"
When I was about to publish this article, the news about another Indian drama came that a Pakistani landed in an Indian airport and claimed that he is an ISI agent and wants to give up spying. 

It is ridiculous, in fact, it appears another attempt to counter the humiliation arise from the arrest of Indian spies in Pakistan.