The world was never uncertain, troubling and violent ever before as it is today. Crimes, cold wars and hot wars all have made a mess on the planet earth. There is unbalance in share of the power on the planet earth. Wrong people with thoughtless minds have gain power, the result is that they have created systems which are exploiting instead of serving mankind. Also, there is an unbalance in distribution of wealth. Rich is getting richer and poor is going poorer. The moral standards are touching their lows that it is considered a matter of shame and guilt to put forward a just argument which is against the already set standards of the society. Justice has become a commodity to sale and purchase. The culture of might is right prevails at individual and social matters. Social values are touching their lowest level. Modern men follow everything that gives pleasure to their bodies and that satisfy temporal matters, also they fabricate justifications to justify their bad practises.
The lethal idea of free speech or unbridled speech is destroying societies and nations. Because giving right of free speech to thoughtless mind is a recipe of suicide for societies. People are expecting satisfaction without spiritual beliefs. It is a folly that nations and societies are expecting progress without discipline, character and organisation. People are exploited in the name of democracy. Self-structured slogan of secularism is chanted with full vigour and zeal without thinking that well fashioned “isms” cannot give anything to human society. Wealth has been concentrated in the hands of few people. Capitalists and monarchs have become lord of the land. They occupy unlimited power and treat their subordinates as less that human.
In its real sense what is materialistic is superficial and troubling and what are spiritual are pleasing and a mean of salvation for an individual. Life full of materialism is slavery, it is a meanness, and in reality the slavery of mean things, the slavery of things of which man is destined to be a master. It is the slavery of capital and capitalists, of powerful, of monarch, of landlord, of moneylenders, of priests, of days and night, of time, of fear of tomorrow and regret of past and of troubled thought of profits and losses. With this men’s vision of life blurs and he sees no light but only darkness. He becomes unable to find the almighty God who is in fact the master of everything that exists in this world. Who showers his unlimited blessings on mankind? Who have given us the precious gift of life to explore universe and understand his will. Here, it is worthy to note that absorbing oneself to God is one thing and absorbing attributes of God within oneself is another. The later indeed leads one to the greatness of humanity, at the zenith of glory of mankind, at true sense of salvation and moral and spiritual success.
Finding God, his willingness and understanding the reason of creation of men and greatness of oneself is first step toward finding truth, peace and salvation. This is the road to spiritualism and peace. Creating our social, economic and political systems on the footing of the system of nature is the real way for the success and salvation of the mankind.